With Hour One’s SalesMeet, you can get the summaries and next steps of internal or external meetings in a video. This will not only enable a more visual and engaging method of follow-ups, but save time of having to take notes.
In this article, we will go over:
How SalesMeet Works
The SalesMeet feature is essentially a meeting bot that joins a meeting (like Zoom, Google Meet, Teams) and will sit as a “participant” in the meeting. As the meeting is occurring, the MeetingBot will listen and record the meeting. Once the meeting is finished, a draft will be created in the user’s Hour One account which will give a summary of the topics discussed and next steps.
How to Use the SalesMeet
- Start a meeting (Google Meet) and grab meeting link
- Within the Hour One platform, select the ‘SalesMeet’ button within the dashboard
- Paste the meeting link within the ‘Place Meeting Link’ box and select ‘Start Session’
- After a few seconds, the SalesMeet will request to join your active meeting.
- Once the meeting is ended, a SalesMeet video draft will be created within the Hour One platform under ‘Recent Videos’ and automatically organizes the draft in a folder called ‘Meetings’
- Edit and adjust the draft as needed
Have ideas on how to improve the SalesMeet feature? Send us a message.