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New Features & Updates Timeline

Below is the list of new features & updates that Hour One has released to the current day:

August 2024

  • 1 New Feature
    • Webhooks for API - Get notified instantly whether a video processing request succeeds or fails!
  • 2 New Platform Improvements
    • Updated Player - larger video player, video name and date created more clear, updated responsive design supporting all video sizes (square, horizontal, and vertical)!
    • Update Screen Record Edit Screen - sleek new design, improved trimming and cropping, advanced loop settings, and preview recording with narration. 


July 2024

  • 4 New Features
    • Global Pronunciation - Apply pronunciation changes to the entire draft! Read more here!
    • Multi-File Actions for drafts - Download or delete multiple videos! Read more here!
    • Workspace Section - As an admin, there is now a centralized view to see all published videos by your members!
    • Trash - Recover any drafts of videos that you deleted! Read more here
  • 2 Platform Improvements
    • Updated Avatar Panel - New sleek design, easier customization, and enhanced interaction ability with gesture selection!
    • Multi-Selection for Media Library - Manage your media with ease! Read more here
  • 6 New Mobile Templates
    • Our Innovative App (Social Marketing)
    • Boost with Influencers (Social Marketing)
    • State-Of-The-Art Security App (Social Marketing)
    • Social Media Balance (Social Marketing)
    • Transform Your Workflow (Social Marketing)
    • Innovative E-Commerce App (Social Marketing)

June 2024

  • 8 Platform Improvements
    • Cards feature - Layouts with many elements are now divided into sections called cards to make content editing easier and more organized
    • 60 new voices
    • Pause Filter - Within the search settings for the voices, you can now filter by voices that support pausing
    • Default Voice per Avatar - Each avatar will now be assigned the best voice that fits by default
    • Media Library now added to dashboard
    • Filter Recent Draft by 'Everyone' or 'Me'
    • Multi-Select for drafts - Read more here!
    • Global Pronunciation - The pronunciation feature has been improved to apply to the whole draft, not just individual scenes!
  • 1 New Features
    • Control Voice Speed and Pitch - You can now change the speed and pitch of any voice! Read more here!


May 2024

  • 4 Platform Improvements
    • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) - Enhanced security for Enterprise clients! 
    • Workflows now allows for CSV import
    • Share link now FREE for all users - Will not use publishing time
    • 4 New languages for Translate Draft
      • Tagalog
      • Romanian
      • Indonesian
      • Swahili
  • 1  New Feature
    • Draft Status - designed to streamline your video management process. 
  • 10 New Master Templates
    • Supports Studio, Mobile, and Desk avatars
    • Works seamlessly with titles and different fonts
    • Over 100+ layouts
    • Where you can use them:
      • Prevent Zoom Fatigue (L&D)
      • Onboarding New Employees (L&D)
      • Introducing SnapSavvy (L&D)
      • Etsy Home Elegance (L&D)
      • Mastering Interview Skills (L&D)
      • Upskilling for Digital Transformation (L&D)
      • Innovative Hub (L&D)
      • Closing Deals with Confidence (Sales)
      • Boosting Sales Performance (Sales)
      • Product Experience with Product Master (Sales)


April 2024

  • 3 Platform Improvements
    • New Dashboard design
    • Video Fit (found within media settings) - automatically adjusts and pads videos to fit any media ratio
    • Invite Members 2.0 - New UI, as well as the ability to choose which role the member is invited as
  • 2 New Features
    • Start from URL - easily transform web content into captivating videos by simply entering the URL of your desired webpage
    • Upload Your Own Music - Elevate your videos with personal tunes! Our latest update lets you add your own music to videos!

March 2024

  • 2 New Features
    • Boost Rendering - Increase rendering speed of entire workspace with your dedicated cloud provider
    • Multiple Presenters in video
  • 5 Platform Improvements
    • New Style tab design
    • New Editor V3 - new design, ability to update title text color, font, alignment, and background color. Hide character in scenes
    • 2 New languages for Translate Draft
      • Cantonese
      • Mandarin
    • Multi-lingual voices
    • Minutes Usage data in profile page
  • 7 New Templates
    • NEED HELP? Contact Support!
    • Sales Outreach - Speech Bubbles
    • Customer Service Training
    • Leadership Development Series
    • Secure shopping 101
    • Sales Techniques Tutorial
    • Choosing the right online product
    • Security Training
    • Stocks Website Mockup


February 2024

  • 3 Platform Improvements
    • Media Settings V2 - Video editing is now supported! 
    • Voices Panel V2 - Updated design, voice description tags, filter by tone & age 
    • Import options - From presentation (V2), document, and script. Check out our article!
  • 2 New Features
    • Quick Preview - Easily preview your video in seconds! Check out our article!
    • Comments - Editors & Viewers can leave comments on videos enabling further collaboration within workspaces! Check out our article!


January 2024

  • 6 Platform Improvements
    • New Avatar Panel
      • New Design, Advanced Filtering, Choose Emotion, Favorites
    • Copy & Design fixes
    • Additional Languages for Translate Draft
      • Turkish

      • Polish

      • Hungarian

      • Czech

      • Dutch

    • Additional Supported Language for Subtitles
      • Hebrew
    • Multiple Media Upload for Media Library
    • SSO Support for Enterprise
  • 1 New Template
    • L&D Master Template (This new template includes a wide range of layouts, precise animations, and designs specifically tailored for L&D purposes)
      • Customer Service Training (L&D)
      • Sales Techniques Tutorial (L&D)